4 landscape design projects inspire modern urban planning

4 landscape architecture projects below have made certain contributions to urban planning in each locality. With design ideas that promote natural ecosystems and encourage human interaction against global issues such as climate change, water shortages and famine.

Therefore, the highlight of these designs is the landscape architecture that makes our living environment safer, healthier and more sustainable.

1. The design of the central courtyard project The Navy, Philadelphia

Philadelphia is now a growing industrial and commercial city, so “The Navy Yard” is an architectural design project for space that is of real value, preserving the historical aspects of The area around Philadelphia.

All designs of The Navy Yard are images of a clock or gears are operating continuously, the architect has come up with this design idea is to work here is a lot of work. Productivity but also a place for rest for workers.

Philadelphia Navy Yards – Central Green. Photo: internet source

Designed by James Corner Field Operations – a team of creative landscape architects, Navy Yard has become one of the most vibrant office districts in Philadelphia. With its spacious surrounds, connected to each of its clear locations, it is surrounded by unique landscaped gardens, hammocks and outdoor arched plazas. There are also outdoor gyms and bocce football courts where you can relax after a long day of walking or hiking.

Philadelphia Navy Yards – Central Green. Photo: internet source

2. Design Gardens by the Bay, Singapore

Singapore can be proud of Gardens By The Bay – considered one of the architectural achievements of this country. On top of that, these gardens are clearly representative of Singapore’s progressive culture and continuous development.

Known as the “forest in the clouds,” the garden has 18 tall trees, 25 to 50 meters high, of which two are connected by a 128m long walkway.

Designed by landscape architects from the United Kingdom (Grant Associates), Gardens By The Bay is a popular tourist destination. In fact, in just two months, the garden has welcomed more than 1 million visitors. This is an amazing result showing how much the community is benefiting and aware of the value of landscape architecture.

Gardens by the Bay. Photo: internet source

Gardens by the Bay features one of the world’s largest gardens of this type, connecting the southern bay, the Gulf of East, and the Central Gulf of the island, with a total area of ​​101 hectares. Combining nature with technology, environmental management and imagination. The characteristic of the garden is the rich and diverse vegetation.

Outstanding views from the Singapore Marina Hotel and the beautiful tropical flowers in each garden create a great atmosphere – something you must witness first hand. If the South Bay Garden is the largest of the three gardens and is inspired by the Orchid Flower Orchid, the other two gardens are not inferior to conveying the features it has – brilliant river views. And the beauty of flowers has won everyone’s heart.

Gardens by the bay. Photo: internet source

3. Design MariahilferStrasse, TP Vienna, Austria

This road is one of the longest community spaces in Europe. Located in Vienna, Austria. The Mariahilfer Straße landscape project is a project that stretches from Westbanhof to the Quarter Museum as a “friendly walk” in the city center. At the same time, this road divides the area into three parts:

The downtown area is the most crowded, providing a variety of activities for everyone, while neighboring areas create a quieter space to rest after a day of hard work or city sightseeing. There are many shops, restaurants and cafes everywhere, beautifying the urban landscape.

Mariahilferstrasse. Photo: internet source

The best thing about the Mariahilfer Straße project is that if you are late for a meeting in the heart of Vienna you can get off the car, bus, or taxi and walk or bike to that place through the pedestrian zone. 1.6 km. Mariahilfer Straße certainly made the local people love their city more and helped the tourists to have beautiful photos and memories of the city.

Mariahilfer Straße is also a point of purchase. So, if you’re a shopaholic, get ready to spend money walking along this street.

Mariahilferstrasse. Photo: internet source

4. Design The Goods Line, Sydney, Australia

The design of The Goods Line is evidence that Sydney has become a more connected, sustainable and modern city – by adding bicycle lanes and green public spaces to most Its the neighborhood. That idea was initiated by the NSW Government and implemented by the Port Authority of Sydney.

The no longer used rail corridor running from Railroad Square to Darling Harbor was re-used for more urban-friendly and beautiful purposes. This project received a large response from local residents and was placed on the “where to go” list.

The Good Lines is a park where you can rest, create and connect with the community

The Goods Line. Photo: internet source

You can stroll in the Goods Line and use it as a walkway from Sydney Central Station to Darling Harbor, but you can also experience the historical nostalgia that this space offers or take a picture. Beautiful architecture. The Powerhouse Museum is also nearby and well worth a visit.

Surrounded by trees, nature and urban architecture, the pedestrian walkway includes biking paths, table tennis tables, outdoor work spaces, playgrounds and public areas of a size. Great for gatherings.

The Goods Line. Photo: internet source

Future Urban Designers

Landscape architects are also known as future urban designers, orienting the future landscape of each city for functionality and sustainability. This view has helped landscape architects to develop themselves and pursue design as a revolutionary work.

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