GK Archi is in Top 100 World Architecture Companies WA100 – 2021

Recently, the WA100 annual survey selected Top 100 largest architectural companies in the world organized by Buiding Design page has announced the results. This year’s ranking has a lot of changes, with the emergence of many new factors such as GK Archi, an architectural company based in Vietnam, Myanmar, and Singapore.

The year 2020 ends with new, bold and breakthrough changes for the world. Even on the top 100 of the world’s leading architecture firms – WA100 – 2021, recorded a year with a lot of disturbances and many new factors on the rankings, the first is the Architecture companies from countries that had good control and were best resistant to translation of Covid 19.

This year’s WA100 Top 100 Architecture Companies survey of the world’s top architecture firms shows how severe the impact of the pandemic can be. Phil Harrison, chief executive officer of Perkins & Will, one of the WA 1000 companies based in Georgia, said it is hard to remember what the situation is now until the world economy will enter a state of affairs. The situation could be better for countries that are more focused on dealing with the pandemic.

Keith Griffiths, president of Hong Kong-based international architecture firm Aedas, which has always been in the WA100 Top Top Hong Kong shares about the stressful final weeks of 2020. The Chairman of Aedas – Hong Kong was present in Vietnam when Vietnam began to close its borders with the outside world in an effort to stop the Covid 19 pandemic. He can only return to Hong Kong after spending the week figuring out safety for his company’s offices around the world. Griffiths, instead of meeting clients more frequently, has spent most of his time working from home as so many Architecture offices in countries struggle against pandemic.

This year is the first year, GK Archi company is in the Top 100 list of the world’s leading architectural firms. GK Archi is headquartered in Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapore, in which, Vietnam – the country is considered one of the best translation control countries in the world. In recent years, GK Archi has continuously entered the Top 10 Asian architecture firms in Vietnam. GK Archi is one of many new factors in 2021 coming from countries that have well controlled Covid 19 and have adapted well to new ways of doing things.

GK Archi’s student cultural house received the world architecture award

Until the end of the 19 Covid pandemic, the WA100 Ranking is still expected to have a big disturbance with new factors as well as the loss of factors that have always been the Top Companies in the world of Architecture. gender.

For details of the rankings, seehttps://www.bdonline.co.uk/wa100-2021-the-big-list/5109915.article

Source: Architecture Magazine