Jean Sabet Acladios

2013- 2017: Project Director – GK Archi Myanmar;

2012 – 2013: Project Director – GK Archi Viet Nam;

2012: CARDINAL HARDY BEINHAKER IBI Group. Architecture & Urban Design Project manager Montréal Quebec;

2007 -2009: DANIEL ARBOUR & Ass. – IBI Group Project manager Architecture & Urban Design 460 rue McGill Montreal, Quebec VALKEM;

2003 – 2007: Trades Center of leather works Montreal Montreal, Canada

1997 – 2001: Bachelor of Architecture Degree University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada. Scholarship at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) Mexico.

1995 – 1997: Software Workshops – Autocad, Word, Photoshop, Quarkexpress , Illustrator Cs, and SketchupMontreal, Canada

1994            : Woodworking classes School of Mill work Montreal, Canada

1988 – 1991: INTERIORS Director Interior Design Dorval, Quebec, Canada;

1981- 1988:  CANADA INTERIORS Director Interior Design Montreal, Quebec;

1981 – 1984: Certificate in Environmental Design University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada

1975 – 1981: SODEPLAN Designer Montreal, Quebec, Canada;