Giang Le

Master of Architecture, Urban planning, Darmstadt, Germany;

Bachelor of Architect, HCMC University of Architecture, Vietnam;

Bachelor of University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Vietnam;


Certificate on Urban Design, PADDI and Department of Planning and Architecture, Hochiminh City, Viet Nam

License on Architecture and Urban Planning Design, 2010

Certificate on Urban Shelter Design, Lund University – Sweden, 2007

Certificate on Organizing for Planning of resettlement areas in Hochiminh City. Held by Oxford Brook University – MIT and Asian Housing Organization, 2001.


2013-present : CEO at GKA Myanmar, Yagon, Myanmar;

2009-2013   : Deputy Director, Project Manager, Concept Architect at GKA Viet Nam, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam;

2005-2009  : Manager of Ho Chi Minh city’s Architectural Research Center (ARC), a sub division of Department of Planning and Architecture (DPA), Vietnam

2004-2005   : Employee of Vietnam Industrial Corporation (VINAINCON), Department of Industry, Vietnam

Collaborator for Urban Planning Institute (UPI), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

2003-2004   : Employee of Sinh Nam Ltd., Co

2002-2003   : apprentice of architecture firm of Prof. Tran Van Khai.

2001             : Team leader for land broker survey serving for Dr. Annette Kim, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT, for her study named “The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

2017 – present: President at GKA Viet Nam